Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Group 3 BD

Flapping wing - complete


  1. I liked that it works and the way it looks. I like being able to do hands on work for the first time since 8th grade. I would have changed the pulley system so that it actually works or use something like the other group had with the rubber bands.

    Jay Murray

  2. It turned out mostly how we wanted it to look like we had to get rid of some things but in the end it worked well. The only thing I would change is we could pick the design that we wanted to do.

  3. It turned out mostly how we wanted it to look like we had to get rid of some things but in the end it worked well. The only thing I would change is we could pick the design that we wanted to do.

    Dan R

  4. One thing I like about our project is the wing part itself. One element i would have changed is the handle that powers the machine.
    Matt Davis
    4 B/D

  5. One thing I like about our project is the wing part because we didn't know how it would turn out being so big. I enjoyed being able to build something hands on not just on the computer. One thing I would improve is to incorporate the pulley system making it have more of a purpose.
    Joseph N 4BD

  6. After extensive testing, and several thousand injured test subjects, it was determined that this machine is unable to attain actual flight with a human sized payload.

    After careful thought, two possible solutions were determined: either run more tests, or run more tests.

  7. I think the wing turned out OK. I think we could have incorporated our individual parts better, and I think many parts, including the handle, could be more sturdy.

  8. Above comment by Isaac F 4BD
